Monday, March 30, 2015

obsessed with:

Hello, people.

I'm actually going to start posting on here.

*blows kiss*

So there's a number of things that I've gotten OBSESSED with of late. Things that were always there, but I didn't realize just how 
 they were.

Until now.

And of course I'm going to make a list, just to remind us all of what a fangirl I am.

1. Percy Jackson

So, confession. My brother has owned the Percy Jackson books and loved them for several years, but I always thought they were more of a boy thing. I seriously didn't want to read them for a very long time.
(of course, the mediocre movie trailer didn't help.)
Anyway, about a month ago my school had a few days of standardized testing, and at my brother's insistence, I brought the first Percy Jackson book with me to read when I was done with my test.

O B S E S S E D.


I then proceeded to tear through about a book a day, and finished the entire series, then the spin-off series in about two weeks.

And I am now a very proud Percy Jackson fangirl.

2.  Dan and Phil

These people are hilarious.
So hilarious.

I watched like two Phil videos (YEAH THANKS A LOT ADI) and I was hooked. 
I just could not get over how outrageously funny these guys were. 

They each have a seperate YouTube channel, and then a joint gaming channel, which is massively entertaining for *cough* nerd girls like me that actually know about/CAN DOMINATE ON a good percent of those games.

So they are kind of my British male twins.

Sort of.

Just remember, guys, the cat whiskers come from within. 

3. Weddings

I am that girl who had from day one dreamed about her wedding day. I. Just. Love. Weddings.

Wedding receptions, gowns, photography, bridesmaids, shows, you name it. If it's wedding related, I LOVE IT.

I can literally spend hours on Pinterest looking at wedding gowns and reception decor, or thinking about what my wedding song is going to be.
It's an issue, guys.


And that's all I can think of for now! Join us next time to see what else is up in my psycho fangirl life. 

♡ l e a h