Monday, May 11, 2015

Books & Reading Tag

disclaimer: this could get really freaking weird/emotional so read at your own risk.

Thank you Kelsey for nominating me for this! 
She's so hilarious and her blog is amazing, so do hop on over there.

you guys ready??

1. April TBR (To be read)? 
Paper Towns! I really want to read the book before the movie comes out this summer.

2. Book (series) you would like to see as a movie?
The Books of Bayern. It's one of my favorite series ever and I could honestly read them all day long. Also, they would make amazing movies. 

(if they don't pull a percy jackson on us.
still salty.)

3. Overhyped book/author?
don't kill me pls

I absolutely loved The Hunger Games and Catching Fire, but Mockingjay was really slow and a bit dull. I felt like I had to force myself through most of it.
Didn't love the ending either.

4. The best book series you will ever read?


Percy Jackson is a very very close second, but HP will always be my baby.

Seriously though.
How could you not love this series?

5. Book to movie adaption that was really bad?
percy jackson.
I've heard that the director didn't even read the book.

6. Books that just made you cry?
I just forgot every book I ever read.
Every single Selection book made me sob though, as well as The Mark of Athena.

7. Book you're reading right now? Give it a quick rating. 
Just finished The Heir by Kiera Cass.
life destroying in the best way possible

8. A book series that you just didn't like? 
The Matched series just wasn't my favorite. I have a problem with dystopian novels where I'm internally yelling at the main character to quit questioning the society and sit down.
That was probably a big part of it. xD

9. Book that you haven't read yet, but really need to?
Haven't gotten around to TFIOS yet.
Maybe this summer...

10. What's your favorite children's book?

For some reason Chicka Chicka Boom Boom has always been my favorite. 
Idk, I'm messed up. 


Don't got time to nominate people today, sowwy. Take it if you wish.

*blows kisses* 
have a great day and listen to lots of taylor swift.

♡ l e a h 

1 comment:

    There shall be no greater book series than Harry Potter. I don't understand how people can't like it. :P
    Anyways, I nominated you for another award. ^-^
    xo Adi
